Bust Out of Big Meeting Stress!

Kate Mohan
3 min readOct 27, 2021

This afternoon we have our big semi-annual board meeting where I will recap all of or our work over the last six months or so, how we are driving the business, and meeting the marketing and brand objectives I had set out previously. My friend and colleague, who also happens to be my boss and our company president, will be my partner-in-crime as we present to the international leadership team visiting from Switzerland for two and a half hours. Sounds stressful and a little scary, right? Well a bit, yes…but I am not too worried.

I used to get really nervous and freeze up during big meetings but as I have grown in my career and worked with a variety of leaders, I have developed some tips and tricks that help me feel more comfortable. The most important thing in meetings like this is to stay calm and focus on getting your message across. Here are some strategies I use to make sure big meetings like this go as smoothly as possible!

Outline and Pacing

When prepping for your meeting and working on your presentation, make sure you have a strong outline and a smooth flow of the information you’re presenting. I tend to talk fast and want to get everyone all of the information right away, but having thought through my flow beforehand helps with the pacing of the meeting and allows the audience to process what is being presented.

Send a Pre-Read

While it can be a little tighter on the timeline, sending the presentation in advance of the meeting is a great way to save time and give the group a chance to get into the details right away. If you won’t be able to have the full presentation completed a few days before, send an agenda or the outline so that way other attendees know what to expect and can start thinking through questions.

Dress Well but Comfortably

This is key — you want to look great and feel confident, but please make sure you are comfortable. I remember having a meeting where I was wearing a blazer that was just a little too tight in the arms and oh my goodness, I just kept tugging at my sleeves and feeling awkward. Not a good look and it distracted me from my intention.

Always have water handy

For some reason as soon as the meeting starts or after you have been talking for a while, the inevitable tickle comes in your throat or you get a froggy voice out of nowhere. Make sure to have water handy so you can calmly take a sip and move on.

You are the Expert

That bears repeating, YOU are the EXPERT! If you are in a position of presenting in a meeting — whether that is a small meeting, a PTA meeting, or a big international board meeting, you are there for a reason. You are the expert on the topic at hand and no one knows more than you. If there is a specific question that comes up that you don’t know the answer to just say, “That’s a great question! I am not sure. I will write it down and get back to you on that!”

Hope this is helpful! Let me know what you do to manage nerves and prepare for the big stuff!

Talk more soon!

XO, Kate

Originally published at https://www.katemohan.com on October 27, 2021.



Kate Mohan

Chicago Mom + Marketing Executive in search of the elusive work/life balance🖤 Founder @themodernmomcollective empowering ambitious Moms in their careers🙌🏻