Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office

Kate Mohan
3 min readSep 15, 2021

I haven’t always been drawn to self-improvement and business advice books. That statement may come as a shock to some who know me now as I currently devour podcasts and audiobooks devoted to these topics at an alarming rate (cheers to 2x speed!). Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office by Dr. Lois P. Frankel was one of the first career books I read back in probably 2008. I don’t remember everything that was in it, but I do remember the feeling of empowerment it gave me and how it opened my eyes to a different way of pursuing my goals. Being brought up to do a good job, be a “nice girl,” and follow the rules — the concepts in this book were a revelation and helped me determine the way I wanted to position myself as I grew in my career.

The idea that in order to be a respected woman in the business world, you cannot be a doormat really resonated with me. The permission this idea gave me to not allow the impulse to be nice stand in the way of where I wanted to go on my career path truly helped me gain the confidence to design and shape my goals in a way that felt authentic to me. The ways in which I practice this in my own career include not apologizing when I don’t need to and not allowing myself to be intimidated by “good old boys” in my office who are used to the way “it has always been done.”

I believe this shift in perspective was a huge part of my success. I am not scared to speak up. I know the areas in which I am the expert and when to look to colleagues for their leadership in areas where I may not have all the expertise. We all do better by lifting each other up, but women will not get ahead by shying away and letting some of our bad habits hinder us. As a manager myself, I have given this book to many of my female direct reports and while it isn’t perfect, this book definitely helps improve their mindset around the way they position themselves in their careers.

The forethought about how you are perceived and the strategic relationship building the author covers in the book are very important. I would highly recommend this book to anyone curious about how to make sure they are positioning themselves in the best way for growth in their organization. Business is a game and you can WIN.

“The opposite of a nice girl isn’t a bitch — it’s a winning woman. The difference is that a nice girl acts in ways that are designed to make others like her, and a winning woman acts in ways that ensure her goals are met by knowing what she wants, having clarity about where she’s headed, and achieving both through high likability and emotional intelligence.”

Here is a link to the book and some of my favorite quotes. Have you already read it? If so, what were your key takeaways? What are your other favorite game-changing career or business books? I have a TON of favorites and I can’t wait to share more in the coming weeks!



Kate Mohan

Chicago Mom + Marketing Executive in search of the elusive work/life balance🖤 Founder @themodernmomcollective empowering ambitious Moms in their careers🙌🏻